Alemania : Find out about the best hotels

Alemania : A selection of the best hotels and accommodation

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Frequently Asked Questions

I am unable to stay in Alemania. Can I cancel my reservation?
If you have made your booking on*, Logis Hôtels allows you to cancel your reservation up to 48 hours before the date of arrival.
You can cancel it with a simple click in the confirmation message of your reservation or by contacting your hotel directly.
*Unless special conditions of the hotel, reservation made only on and within the limits of the applicable cancellation periods.
How far in advance should I book my stay in Alemania?
You can make your reservation on up to 6 months in Alemania before your departure date. Booking in advance for a tourist stay then depends on several factors:
• The time of year and destination: The most popular destinations and holiday periods (Christmas, summer, etc.) require booking well in advance.
• Type of accommodation: Some hotels must be booked in advance, especially if they are well rated. Many hotels over 3 or 4 stars fill up very early.
• Your flexibility: If you are flexible on dates and destinations, you can certainly book at the last minute. Otherwise, it is best to book in advance.
Choose your hotel and enjoy discounts with early booking offers.
If you're planning a last-minute getaway, no worries! Great offers are available all year round with our last minute offers .
What are the best hotels in Alemania?
The best hotels depend heavily on everyone's expectations and tastes.
On, you will easily find the hotel that suits you in the country of your choice.
Our search engine allows you to filter hotels by star rating, services and amenities offered.
Also, see ratings and reviews from other guests who have stayed at the hotels you're interested in.
For example, Alemania hotels that have received the best reviews from our customers are : Logis L'auberge Gutshof, Logis Hotel Stadt Neustadt, Logis Hotel Zur Alten Muhle .On Logis Hôtels, there is something for everyone! Do not hesitate to browse if you need other suggestions for stays.
In which city to go in Alemania?
If you are looking for a destination to go on a Alemania, Logis Hotels offers many hotels adapted to your needs and preferences. Whether you prefer the city or nature, sports activities or culture,there is certainly a hotel to suit your travel style.
The destinations with the most hotels in Alemania include Baden Wurtemberg, Brandeburgo, Renania Del Norte Westfalia, Renania-palatinado, Sajonia, Turingia and the following cities: Kreischa, Asbach, Neustadt Orla, Gohrisch, Bischofswerda, Luetzkampen.
What are the cheapest hotels in Alemania?
At Logis Hôtels, we strive to offer hotels for all budgets, from the most economical to the most upscale. We offer a wide selection of affordable and accessible prices to all travelers.
The hotels with the cheapest rates in Alemania are: Logis Hotel Quartier 5, Logis Landgasthaus Zum Alten Fritz, Logis Hotel Berghotel Hohe Mark.
We also invite you to check out our last-minute offers as well as our early booking offers .
Finally, don't miss any more Logis Hôtels deals by subscribing to our newsletter or following us on social networks: Facebook, Instagram or LinkedIn.
What are the best pet-friendly hotels in Alemania?
Many hotels in Alemania allow pets such as: Logis Hotel Berghotel Hohe Mark, Logis Landgasthaus Zum Alten Fritz, Logis Hotel Stadt Neustadt.
Do not hesitate to contact these establishments directly to find out their pet policy before booking.
What are the best hotels in Alemania with a pool?
Many hotels in Alemania offer swimming pools,such as Logis Hotel Burgunderhof.
To find the hotel that best suits your needs, we also recommend using our filter by checking 'Pool'.
Indoor and/or outdoor swimming pools... This will allow you to filter our accommodation offers and discover the hotels with swimming pools that best meet your expectations.
Which hotels in Alemania are best suited for an evening stopover?
Many hotels in Alemania offer packages reserved for business travelers called 'stopover evening' including an overnight stay and breakfast or dinner such as Logis Hotel Berghotel Hohe Mark, Logis Hotel Quartier 5.
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Estancias en hoteles con encanto en Europa

Logis, disfrutar de una estancia en un hotel con encanto en Europa.

Buscando una lista de hoteles en Europa ? Logis Hotel le invita a descubrir su selección. ¿Sabía usted que Europa es el primer destino turístico del mundo, con más de 563 millones de visitantes ?

La autenticidad y la diversidad de nuestras regiones, así como la calidad de la atención en nuestros hoteles boutique tienen la seguridad de algo!

Si cada uno de nuestra hermosa región ofrece a sus peculiaridades , nuestros 2.600 miembros , reconocen los profesionales de la restauración y hostelería , comparten el mismo compromiso y valores.
Tradición, calidad del servicio y la disponibilidad , la hospitalidad y la amabilidad son el centro de nuestras necesidades . Combinamos esto con la singularidad plural cada uno.

Esto le permite asegurar una garantía idéntica cualquiera que sea su elección de hotel en Europa.
Usted será mucho donde elegir para su destino o el tema de su estancia.
Gastronomía , la relajación , el descubrimiento, los hoteles boutique en Europa va a satisfacer los deseos de cada uno.

Pocos momentos para hacer la reserva de su hotel en nuestro sistema seguro y ya está la paz de la mente...
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